Month: May 2020

HW for Friday, May 22

You did it! I am beyond proud of each and everyone of you!


  • Shurley 7: Posttest, Friday at 3:00. There is no vocabulary, etc. on the posttest.
  • Vocabulary:
    • Unit 15 Words in Action online, use 15 words in the two questions, Thursday; will be open Thursday and Friday
    • End of Year Test online, Friday; will be open Thursday-Saturday
    • Take a pic of your completed Shurley and math each day and text it to me by 4:00. I will send the answers, so you can check your work.  Put it back into your folder. Just do what you can do. I am always available for questions. Take care and good job staying with the program.
  • LA: 
    • Please finish reading the novel (Chapters 54-61). Once you have completed the 3 comprehension questions (in complete sentences) please send me your responses. This is due by Friday, May 22nd (4 PM). 
      • Chapter 57:
        • 1. ​“In the past I saw these shapes as hopeful. Now they appear to be stains (350). What does this mean?
      • Chapter 58:
        • 1. ​“If there is anything I’ve figured out in the last months it’s that you can find labels to organize living things, but you can’t put people in any kind of group or order. It just doesn’t work that way” (359). Why does it not work like that? Provide an example.
      • Chapter 61:
        • 1. ​What are the reasons why the number 7 Willow’s lucky number?
  • History from Mr. Anders: Due Friday, May 22nd by 8pm: *
    • *From Mr. Anders- Please download the document, click file save as, rename the document, then do your work and send that document to me.*
  • Spanish: Due Friday, May 22nd
  • ¡Hola clase! For the last two weeks of Spanish, I am going to challenge you to sign up for a Duolingo account and earn at least 30 XP per week.  Here’s how it works:
    • First you will need to create a profile if you don’t already have one at
    • Once logged in, on a COMPUTER use this link to JOIN my class “Trinity Spanish.
    • If you are on a TABLET or PHONE and already have the Duolingo app, you will need to navigate to: profile>hit the settings button in top right corner>progress sharingType in the classroom code WUBEMY  and click on “Save changes”
    • Once you are in my class, I will see your progress and XP.  Every time you complete a lesson, you will earn XP.
    • Your challenge this week is to earn 30 XP completing any of the lessons or tests.  It is easy and fun and challenges you to use the language in a different way!
    • ¡Buena suerte!  I hope you enjoy it!


HW for Thursday, May 21

  • Shurley 7: Posttest, Friday at 3:00. There is no vocabulary, etc. on the posttest.
  • Vocabulary:
    • Unit 15 Words in Action online, use 15 words in the two questions, Thursday; will be open Thursday and Friday
    • End of Year Test online, Friday; will be open Thursday-Saturday
    • Take a pic of your completed Shurley and math each day and text it to me by 4:00. I will send the answers, so you can check your work.  Put it back into your folder. Just do what you can do. I am always available for questions. Take care and good job staying with the program.
  • LA: 
    • Please finish reading the novel (Chapters 54-61). Once you have completed the 3 comprehension questions (in complete sentences) please send me your responses. This is due by Friday, May 22nd (4 PM). 
      • Chapter 57:
        • 1. ​“In the past I saw these shapes as hopeful. Now they appear to be stains (350). What does this mean?
      • Chapter 58:
        • 1. ​“If there is anything I’ve figured out in the last months it’s that you can find labels to organize living things, but you can’t put people in any kind of group or order. It just doesn’t work that way” (359). Why does it not work like that? Provide an example.
      • Chapter 61:
        • 1. ​What are the reasons why the number 7 Willow’s lucky number?
  • History from Mr. Anders: Due Friday, May 22nd by 8pm: *
    • *From Mr. Anders- Please download the document, click file save as, rename the document, then do your work and send that document to me.*
  • Spanish: Due Friday, May 22nd
  • ¡Hola clase! For the last two weeks of Spanish, I am going to challenge you to sign up for a Duolingo account and earn at least 30 XP per week.  Here’s how it works:
    • First you will need to create a profile if you don’t already have one at
    • Once logged in, on a COMPUTER use this link to JOIN my class “Trinity Spanish.
    • If you are on a TABLET or PHONE and already have the Duolingo app, you will need to navigate to: profile>hit the settings button in top right corner>progress sharingType in the classroom code WUBEMY  and click on “Save changes”
    • Once you are in my class, I will see your progress and XP.  Every time you complete a lesson, you will earn XP.
    • Your challenge this week is to earn 30 XP completing any of the lessons or tests.  It is easy and fun and challenges you to use the language in a different way!
    • ¡Buena suerte!  I hope you enjoy it!

Science:  Science Phenomena Scavenger Hunt

Due Date: Thursday, May 21st


  1. You are going on an adventure…a science scavenger hunt! Below, you will find a list of different scientific phenomena that you need to find. You need to find these items in real life!  Look around your house, check out your yard, etc. This is NOT a search on the internet!
  2. You need to make a PowerPoint to document your scientific journey.
    •  You need to make an introductory slide and then a slide for each item you find.
    • Copy/paste the item descriptions onto your slides in numerical order. Example: #1 will also be slide #1. #2 will be slide #2.

3. On each slide, you need to include all three of the following:

    • The given description from this assignment.
    • A brief written description about what you found explaining exactly what it is and where you found it.
    • A picture of what you found. You may do this one of two ways.
      • If possible for you, the BEST way to document your journey is to take an actual picture of the item yourself!! If you have a phone you can take a picture and upload it. I can’t wait to see these pictures!
      • Given the fact that not everyone has that capability, a picture may also be attached by using a generic photo from the internet (those without a phone).

Here we go! Find the following scientific phenomena and document it as stated above:

 1. A Decomposer

Decomposers help break down dead plants and animals. They can often be found by looking under a large rock or something that has been sitting in your yard for a good while. It could be a worm, beetle, mushroom, snail, mold, etc.

2. Evidence of Condensation

Condensation can be found outside or inside your home. Remember the definition of condensation: the process when water vapor turns into a liquid. This can be seen on a small or large scale.

3. A Flower

This may include blooms from individual flowering plants, trees, bushes, or even weeds in your yard. Try your best to identify what kind of flower it is in your brief description.

4. Veins

In humans, veins are blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart, but you must locate veins in a plant. They provide support for the leaf and transport water, minerals, and food energy to the rest of the plant.

 5. A Mammal

Mammals are warm-blooded, vertebrate animals. They grow hair at some point in their lives, and the female mammals produce milk to feed their offspring.

 6. A Habitat for an Animal or Insect

A habitat is a home. It provides safety for the species. Find a home for an animal or insect such as a bird’s nest or a spider’s web.

 7. A Seed

You can find a seed in some of the foods you eat, or you can find one out in nature. You may find a seed from a fruit, vegetable, flower, tree, etc. You may include one such as an acorn or pine cone which harbors its seeds inside.

 8. An Adaptation

An adaptation is a characteristic that allows an organism to survive in its environment. Although there are many different adaptations, you must locate a structural adaptation. Examples of a structural adaptation:  teeth, claws, fur, beak, scales, feathers, etc. You need to explain the purpose of the adaptation in your description.

 9. A Simple Machine

The simple machines include the wedge, lever, screw, pulley, inclined plane, and the wheel and axle. Remember, often several simple machines are combined together to make a new tool known as a compound machine. You just have to locate one simple machine and explain which one it is in your description.

10. A Mineral

Minerals are substances that occur naturally in the Earth. They can be made of a single element or from a combination of elements known as a compound. Many have a crystalline structure, while others are metallic or powdery. You may find the solid form of a mineral, OR you may find something made from a mineral and provide an explanation of your selection.

HW for Wednesday, May 20

This is the last Zoom meeting of the school year! Can you believe it? In the fall, you will be an 8th grader! It is important you finish off the year with me on Wednesday. IF you cannot make it please text me and let me know, otherwise I will see at 1.

Topic: End of the Year Hangout
Time: May 20, 2020 1:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 787 9689 7154
Password: 1ae8Fs

  • Math:
      • Lesson 120: We made it! This is the LAST math assignment of the school year! 
        • Problems: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 18, 23, 25, 27, 28 corrections due by 3:30 on Wednesday.

Please note: This will be the HW for Tuesday and Wednesday for Ms. Buss’ class. On Thursday, you will have a different assignment.

  • Shurley 7:
    • Chapter 25, Practice 76, Tuesday; Checkup 77, Wednesday, yes, Wednesday; You need to use the book.
  • Vocabulary:
    • Unit 15, Read pages 184-185 186-190, Tuesday; pages 191-193, Wednesday, yes, Wednesday
    • Take a pic of your completed Shurley and math each day and text it to me by 4:00. I will send the answers, so you can check your work.  Put it back into your folder. Just do what you can do. I am always available for questions. Take care and good job staying with the program.
  • LA: 
    • Please finish reading the novel (Chapters 54-61). Once you have completed the 3 comprehension questions (in complete sentences) please send me your responses. This is due by Friday, May 22nd (4 PM). 
      • Chapter 57:
        • 1. ​“In the past I saw these shapes as hopeful. Now they appear to be stains (350). What does this mean?
      • Chapter 58:
        • 1. ​“If there is anything I’ve figured out in the last months it’s that you can find labels to organize living things, but you can’t put people in any kind of group or order. It just doesn’t work that way” (359). Why does it not work like that? Provide an example.
      • Chapter 61:
        • 1. ​What are the reasons why the number 7 Willow’s lucky number?
  • History from Mr. Anders: Due Friday, May 22nd by 8pm: *
    • *From Mr. Anders- Please download the document, click file save as, rename the document, then do your work and send that document to me.*
  • Faith Formation: Due Wednesday, May 20
    • Please read Saul’s Growing Fear of David in 1 Samuel 18. While you read I want you to really focus on verses 1-5.
      • What can we learn from this story?
      • What does this story tell us about friendships and relationships?
      • How does this bible verse, “Iron sharpens iron and one man sharpens another,” (Proverbs 27:17) relate to the story?
  • Spanish: Due Friday, May 22nd
  • ¡Hola clase! For the last two weeks of Spanish, I am going to challenge you to sign up for a Duolingo account and earn at least 30 XP per week.  Here’s how it works:
    • First you will need to create a profile if you don’t already have one at
    • Once logged in, on a COMPUTER use this link to JOIN my class “Trinity Spanish.
    • If you are on a TABLET or PHONE and already have the Duolingo app, you will need to navigate to: profile>hit the settings button in top right corner>progress sharingType in the classroom code WUBEMY  and click on “Save changes”
    • Once you are in my class, I will see your progress and XP.  Every time you complete a lesson, you will earn XP.
    • Your challenge this week is to earn 30 XP completing any of the lessons or tests.  It is easy and fun and challenges you to use the language in a different way!
    • ¡Buena suerte!  I hope you enjoy it!

Science:  Science Phenomena Scavenger Hunt

Due Date: Thursday, May 21st


  1. You are going on an adventure…a science scavenger hunt! Below, you will find a list of different scientific phenomena that you need to find. You need to find these items in real life!  Look around your house, check out your yard, etc. This is NOT a search on the internet!
  2. You need to make a PowerPoint to document your scientific journey.
    •  You need to make an introductory slide and then a slide for each item you find.
    • Copy/paste the item descriptions onto your slides in numerical order. Example: #1 will also be slide #1. #2 will be slide #2.

3. On each slide, you need to include all three of the following:

    • The given description from this assignment.
    • A brief written description about what you found explaining exactly what it is and where you found it.
    • A picture of what you found. You may do this one of two ways.
      • If possible for you, the BEST way to document your journey is to take an actual picture of the item yourself!! If you have a phone you can take a picture and upload it. I can’t wait to see these pictures!
      • Given the fact that not everyone has that capability, a picture may also be attached by using a generic photo from the internet (those without a phone).

Here we go! Find the following scientific phenomena and document it as stated above:

 1. A Decomposer

Decomposers help break down dead plants and animals. They can often be found by looking under a large rock or something that has been sitting in your yard for a good while. It could be a worm, beetle, mushroom, snail, mold, etc.

2. Evidence of Condensation

Condensation can be found outside or inside your home. Remember the definition of condensation: the process when water vapor turns into a liquid. This can be seen on a small or large scale.

3. A Flower

This may include blooms from individual flowering plants, trees, bushes, or even weeds in your yard. Try your best to identify what kind of flower it is in your brief description.

4. Veins

In humans, veins are blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart, but you must locate veins in a plant. They provide support for the leaf and transport water, minerals, and food energy to the rest of the plant.

 5. A Mammal

Mammals are warm-blooded, vertebrate animals. They grow hair at some point in their lives, and the female mammals produce milk to feed their offspring.

 6. A Habitat for an Animal or Insect

A habitat is a home. It provides safety for the species. Find a home for an animal or insect such as a bird’s nest or a spider’s web.

 7. A Seed

You can find a seed in some of the foods you eat, or you can find one out in nature. You may find a seed from a fruit, vegetable, flower, tree, etc. You may include one such as an acorn or pine cone which harbors its seeds inside.

 8. An Adaptation

An adaptation is a characteristic that allows an organism to survive in its environment. Although there are many different adaptations, you must locate a structural adaptation. Examples of a structural adaptation:  teeth, claws, fur, beak, scales, feathers, etc. You need to explain the purpose of the adaptation in your description.

 9. A Simple Machine

The simple machines include the wedge, lever, screw, pulley, inclined plane, and the wheel and axle. Remember, often several simple machines are combined together to make a new tool known as a compound machine. You just have to locate one simple machine and explain which one it is in your description.

10. A Mineral

Minerals are substances that occur naturally in the Earth. They can be made of a single element or from a combination of elements known as a compound. Many have a crystalline structure, while others are metallic or powdery. You may find the solid form of a mineral, OR you may find something made from a mineral and provide an explanation of your selection.


HW for Tuesday, May 19

This is the last Zoom meeting of the school year! Can you believe it? In the fall, you will be an 8th grader! It is important you finish off the year with me on Wednesday. IF you cannot make it please text me and let me know, otherwise I will see at 1.

Topic: End of the Year Hangout
Time: May 20, 2020 1:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 787 9689 7154
Password: 1ae8Fs

  • Math:
      • Lesson 119: Problems 5, 7, 8, 18, 21, 24, 25, 26, 28, & 29 corrections due by 3:30 on Tuesday
      • Lesson 120: We made it! This is the LAST math assignment of the school year! 
        • For this lesson, we will just focus on some review problems. If you’d like, you can always look at the examples.
        • Problems: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 18, 23, 25, 27, 28 due by 3:30 on Tuesday.

Please note: This will be the HW for Tuesday and Wednesday for Ms. Buss’ class. On Thursday, you will have a different assignment.

  • Shurley 7:
    • Chapter 25, Practice 76, Tuesday; Checkup 77, Wednesday, yes, Wednesday; You need to use the book.
  • Vocabulary:
    • Unit 15, Read pages 184-185 186-190, Tuesday; pages 191-193, Wednesday, yes, Wednesday
    • Take a pic of your completed Shurley and math each day and text it to me by 4:00. I will send the answers, so you can check your work.  Put it back into your folder. Just do what you can do. I am always available for questions. Take care and good job staying with the program.
  • LA: 
    • Please finish reading the novel (Chapters 54-61). Once you have completed the 3 comprehension questions (in complete sentences) please send me your responses. This is due by Friday, May 22nd (4 PM). 
      • Chapter 57:
        • 1. ​“In the past I saw these shapes as hopeful. Now they appear to be stains (350). What does this mean?
      • Chapter 58:
        • 1. ​“If there is anything I’ve figured out in the last months it’s that you can find labels to organize living things, but you can’t put people in any kind of group or order. It just doesn’t work that way” (359). Why does it not work like that? Provide an example.
      • Chapter 61:
        • 1. ​What are the reasons why the number 7 Willow’s lucky number?
  • History from Mr. Anders: Due Friday, May 22nd by 8pm: *
    • *From Mr. Anders- Please download the document, click file save as, rename the document, then do your work and send that document to me.*
  • Faith Formation: Due Wednesday, May 20
    • Please read Saul’s Growing Fear of David in 1 Samuel 18. While you read I want you to really focus on verses 1-5.
      • What can we learn from this story?
      • What does this story tell us about friendships and relationships?
      • How does this bible verse, “Iron sharpens iron and one man sharpens another,” (Proverbs 27:17) relate to the story?
  • Spanish: Due Friday, May 22nd
  • ¡Hola clase! For the last two weeks of Spanish, I am going to challenge you to sign up for a Duolingo account and earn at least 30 XP per week.  Here’s how it works:
    • First you will need to create a profile if you don’t already have one at
    • Once logged in, on a COMPUTER use this link to JOIN my class “Trinity Spanish.
    • If you are on a TABLET or PHONE and already have the Duolingo app, you will need to navigate to: profile>hit the settings button in top right corner>progress sharingType in the classroom code WUBEMY  and click on “Save changes”
    • Once you are in my class, I will see your progress and XP.  Every time you complete a lesson, you will earn XP.
    • Your challenge this week is to earn 30 XP completing any of the lessons or tests.  It is easy and fun and challenges you to use the language in a different way!
    • ¡Buena suerte!  I hope you enjoy it!

Science:  Science Phenomena Scavenger Hunt

Due Date: Thursday, May 21st


  1. You are going on an adventure…a science scavenger hunt! Below, you will find a list of different scientific phenomena that you need to find. You need to find these items in real life!  Look around your house, check out your yard, etc. This is NOT a search on the internet!
  2. You need to make a PowerPoint to document your scientific journey.
    •  You need to make an introductory slide and then a slide for each item you find.
    • Copy/paste the item descriptions onto your slides in numerical order. Example: #1 will also be slide #1. #2 will be slide #2.

3. On each slide, you need to include all three of the following:

    • The given description from this assignment.
    • A brief written description about what you found explaining exactly what it is and where you found it.
    • A picture of what you found. You may do this one of two ways.
      • If possible for you, the BEST way to document your journey is to take an actual picture of the item yourself!! If you have a phone you can take a picture and upload it. I can’t wait to see these pictures!
      • Given the fact that not everyone has that capability, a picture may also be attached by using a generic photo from the internet (those without a phone).

Here we go! Find the following scientific phenomena and document it as stated above:

 1. A Decomposer

Decomposers help break down dead plants and animals. They can often be found by looking under a large rock or something that has been sitting in your yard for a good while. It could be a worm, beetle, mushroom, snail, mold, etc.

2. Evidence of Condensation

Condensation can be found outside or inside your home. Remember the definition of condensation: the process when water vapor turns into a liquid. This can be seen on a small or large scale.

3. A Flower

This may include blooms from individual flowering plants, trees, bushes, or even weeds in your yard. Try your best to identify what kind of flower it is in your brief description.

4. Veins

In humans, veins are blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart, but you must locate veins in a plant. They provide support for the leaf and transport water, minerals, and food energy to the rest of the plant.

 5. A Mammal

Mammals are warm-blooded, vertebrate animals. They grow hair at some point in their lives, and the female mammals produce milk to feed their offspring.

 6. A Habitat for an Animal or Insect

A habitat is a home. It provides safety for the species. Find a home for an animal or insect such as a bird’s nest or a spider’s web.

 7. A Seed

You can find a seed in some of the foods you eat, or you can find one out in nature. You may find a seed from a fruit, vegetable, flower, tree, etc. You may include one such as an acorn or pine cone which harbors its seeds inside.

 8. An Adaptation

An adaptation is a characteristic that allows an organism to survive in its environment. Although there are many different adaptations, you must locate a structural adaptation. Examples of a structural adaptation:  teeth, claws, fur, beak, scales, feathers, etc. You need to explain the purpose of the adaptation in your description.

 9. A Simple Machine

The simple machines include the wedge, lever, screw, pulley, inclined plane, and the wheel and axle. Remember, often several simple machines are combined together to make a new tool known as a compound machine. You just have to locate one simple machine and explain which one it is in your description.

10. A Mineral

Minerals are substances that occur naturally in the Earth. They can be made of a single element or from a combination of elements known as a compound. Many have a crystalline structure, while others are metallic or powdery. You may find the solid form of a mineral, OR you may find something made from a mineral and provide an explanation of your selection.

HW for Friday, May 15

Mrs. Burrus is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Time: Friday, May 15th @ 11:30 AM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 718 5499 4346
Password: 8ugjJB

    • Math:
      • Lesson 118:
        • practice set c-h, problems 11, 17, 18, 22 & 28 due by 3:30 on Friday
      • Lesson 119: For this lesson we will just be focusing on some review problems. If you’d like you can always look at the examples.
        • Problems 5, 7, 8, 18, 21, 24, 25, 26, 28, & 29 due by 3:30 on Friday
  • Shurley 7: Chapter 25, Practice 75, Friday; You will need to use the book.
  • Vocabulary:
    • Unit 14 online assignment
    • Go to Writing Words in Action in Unit 14 and complete the writing assignment online, Friday; test Monday, yes, Monday online 8-8:00
    • Take a pic of your completed Shurley and math each day and text it to me by 4:00. I will send the answers, so you can check your work.  Put it back into your folder. Just do what you can do. I am always available for questions. Take care and good job staying with the program.
  • LA: **Please read Chapters 49- 54 by Tuesday, May 19th.** There will not be any comprehension questions on these chapters.
    • Read Chapters 46-48 by the end of the day on Friday, May 15th. Please complete all chapter questions in complete sentences on a sheet of paper. Once the two questions are complete please send me a picture of your work.
      • Chapter 46
        • 1. “I don’t want to tell him that I’m not his angel. I’m not anyone’s angel” (284). Do you think Willow has changed lives? Why or why not?
      • Chapter 48
        • 1. What happened as a result of Willow’s proposal? How do you think this will change things?
  • History from Mr. Anders: Due Friday, May 15th by 8pm

Chapter 14 Leads into the American Civil War.  This pivotal Chapter has lots happening to America in just 10 short years.  The country will never be the same again.   


    • Read Chapter 14
    • Watch videos for understanding of what you read
    • Pick one of the following: Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Compromise of 1850, The Kansas/Nebraska Act, The Dred Scott Decision, the Lincoln/Douglas Debates, John Brown’s Raid, The Election of 1860, The Secession of the Southern States, or Fort Sumter.
    • Using your Office 365 account write 2 paragraphs.
      • 1. A detailed description of the event you chose.  
      • 2. How did that event lead to the Civil War.

HISTORY: due Friday, May 22nd by 8pm:


  • Faith Formation: Due Wednesday, May 20
    • Please read Saul’s Growing Fear of David in 1 Samuel 18. While you read I want you to really focus on verses 1-5.
      • What can we learn from this story?
      • What does this story tell us about friendships and relationships?
      • How does this bible verse, “Iron sharpens iron and one man sharpens another,” (Proverbs 27:17) relate to the story?
  • Spanish: Due Friday, May 22nd
  • ¡Hola clase! For the last two weeks of Spanish, I am going to challenge you to sign up for a Duolingo account and earn at least 30 XP per week.  Here’s how it works:
    • First you will need to create a profile if you don’t already have one at
    • Once logged in, on a COMPUTER use this link to JOIN my class “Trinity Spanish.
    • If you are on a TABLET or PHONE and already have the Duolingo app, you will need to navigate to: profile>hit the settings button in top right corner>progress sharingType in the classroom code WUBEMY  and click on “Save changes”
    • Once you are in my class, I will see your progress and XP.  Every time you complete a lesson, you will earn XP.
    • Your challenge this week is to earn 30 XP completing any of the lessons or tests.  It is easy and fun and challenges you to use the language in a different way!
    • ¡Buena suerte!  I hope you enjoy it!



Science Phenomena Scavenger Hunt

Due Date: Thursday, May 21st


  1. You are going on an adventure…a science scavenger hunt! Below, you will find a list of different scientific phenomena that you need to find. You need to find these items in real life!  Look around your house, check out your yard, etc. This is NOT a search on the internet!
  2. You need to make a PowerPoint to document your scientific journey.
    •  You need to make an introductory slide and then a slide for each item you find.
    • Copy/paste the item descriptions onto your slides in numerical order. Example: #1 will also be slide #1. #2 will be slide #2.

3. On each slide, you need to include all three of the following:

    • The given description from this assignment.
    • A brief written description about what you found explaining exactly what it is and where you found it.
    • A picture of what you found. You may do this one of two ways.
      • If possible for you, the BEST way to document your journey is to take an actual picture of the item yourself!! If you have a phone you can take a picture and upload it. I can’t wait to see these pictures!
      • Given the fact that not everyone has that capability, a picture may also be attached by using a generic photo from the internet (those without a phone).

4. You have a week and a half to complete this quest.

        • Your due date is Thursday, May 21st.

Here we go! Find the following scientific phenomena and document it as stated above:

 1. A Decomposer

Decomposers help break down dead plants and animals. They can often be found by looking under a large rock or something that has been sitting in your yard for a good while. It could be a worm, beetle, mushroom, snail, mold, etc.

2. Evidence of Condensation

Condensation can be found outside or inside your home. Remember the definition of condensation: the process when water vapor turns into a liquid. This can be seen on a small or large scale.

3. A Flower

This may include blooms from individual flowering plants, trees, bushes, or even weeds in your yard. Try your best to identify what kind of flower it is in your brief description.

4. Veins

In humans, veins are blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart, but you must locate veins in a plant. They provide support for the leaf and transport water, minerals, and food energy to the rest of the plant.

 5. A Mammal

Mammals are warm-blooded, vertebrate animals. They grow hair at some point in their lives, and the female mammals produce milk to feed their offspring.

 6. A Habitat for an Animal or Insect

A habitat is a home. It provides safety for the species. Find a home for an animal or insect such as a bird’s nest or a spider’s web.

 7. A Seed

You can find a seed in some of the foods you eat, or you can find one out in nature. You may find a seed from a fruit, vegetable, flower, tree, etc. You may include one such as an acorn or pine cone which harbors its seeds inside.

 8. An Adaptation

An adaptation is a characteristic that allows an organism to survive in its environment. Although there are many different adaptations, you must locate a structural adaptation. Examples of a structural adaptation:  teeth, claws, fur, beak, scales, feathers, etc. You need to explain the purpose of the adaptation in your description.

 9. A Simple Machine

The simple machines include the wedge, lever, screw, pulley, inclined plane, and the wheel and axle. Remember, often several simple machines are combined together to make a new tool known as a compound machine. You just have to locate one simple machine and explain which one it is in your description.

10. A Mineral

Minerals are substances that occur naturally in the Earth. They can be made of a single element or from a combination of elements known as a compound. Many have a crystalline structure, while others are metallic or powdery. You may find the solid form of a mineral, OR you may find something made from a mineral and provide an explanation of your selection.

HW for Thursday, May 14

Mrs. Burrus is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Time: Friday, May 15th @ 11:30 AM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 718 5499 4346
Password: 8ugjJB

  • Math:
    • Lesson 117:
      • Problems 4, 8, 10, 11, 15, 17, 18, 19, 29, and 30 corrections due by 3:30 on Thursday
    • Lesson 118:
  • Shurley 7: Chapter 25, Practice 74, Thursday
  • Vocabulary:
    • Unit 14 pages 181-183, Thursday
    • Take a pic of your completed Shurley and math each day and text it to me by 4:00. I will send the answers, so you can check your work.  Put it back into your folder. Just do what you can do. I am always available for questions. Take care and good job staying with the program. 
  • LA:
    • Read Chapters 46-48 by the end of the day on Friday, May 15th. Please complete all chapter questions in complete sentences on a sheet of paper. Once the two questions are complete please send me a picture of your work.
      • Chapter 46
        • 1. “I don’t want to tell him that I’m not his angel. I’m not anyone’s angel” (284). Do you think Willow has changed lives? Why or why not?
      • Chapter 48
        • 1. What happened as a result of Willow’s proposal? How do you think this will change things?
  • History from Mr. Anders: Due Friday, May 15th by 8pm

Chapter 14 Leads into the American Civil War.  This pivotal Chapter has lots happening to America in just 10 short years.  The country will never be the same again.   


    • Read Chapter 14
    • Watch videos for understanding of what you read
    • Pick one of the following: Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Compromise of 1850, The Kansas/Nebraska Act, The Dred Scott Decision, the Lincoln/Douglas Debates, John Brown’s Raid, The Election of 1860, The Secession of the Southern States, or Fort Sumter.
    • Using your Office 365 account write 2 paragraphs.
      • 1. A detailed description of the event you chose.  
      • 2. How did that event lead to the Civil War.
  • Spanish: Due Friday, May 22nd
  • ¡Hola clase! For the last two weeks of Spanish, I am going to challenge you to sign up for a Duolingo account and earn at least 30 XP per week.  Here’s how it works:
    • First you will need to create a profile if you don’t already have one at
    • Once logged in, on a COMPUTER use this link to JOIN my class “Trinity Spanish.
    • If you are on a TABLET or PHONE and already have the Duolingo app, you will need to navigate to: profile>hit the settings button in top right corner>progress sharingType in the classroom code WUBEMY  and click on “Save changes”
    • Once you are in my class, I will see your progress and XP.  Every time you complete a lesson, you will earn XP.
    • Your challenge this week is to earn 30 XP completing any of the lessons or tests.  It is easy and fun and challenges you to use the language in a different way!
    • ¡Buena suerte!  I hope you enjoy it!



Science Phenomena Scavenger Hunt

Due Date: Thursday, May 21st




  1. You are going on an adventure…a science scavenger hunt! Below, you will find a list of different scientific phenomena that you need to find. You need to find these items in real life!  Look around your house, check out your yard, etc. This is NOT a search on the internet!
  2. You need to make a PowerPoint to document your scientific journey.
    •  You need to make an introductory slide and then a slide for each item you find.
    • Copy/paste the item descriptions onto your slides in numerical order. Example: #1 will also be slide #1. #2 will be slide #2.

3. On each slide, you need to include all three of the following:

    • The given description from this assignment.
    • A brief written description about what you found explaining exactly what it is and where you found it.
    • A picture of what you found. You may do this one of two ways.
      • If possible for you, the BEST way to document your journey is to take an actual picture of the item yourself!! If you have a phone you can take a picture and upload it. I can’t wait to see these pictures!
      • Given the fact that not everyone has that capability, a picture may also be attached by using a generic photo from the internet (those without a phone).

4. You have a week and a half to complete this quest.

        • Your due date is Thursday, May 21st.

Here we go! Find the following scientific phenomena and document it as stated above:

 1. A Decomposer

Decomposers help break down dead plants and animals. They can often be found by looking under a large rock or something that has been sitting in your yard for a good while. It could be a worm, beetle, mushroom, snail, mold, etc.

2. Evidence of Condensation

Condensation can be found outside or inside your home. Remember the definition of condensation: the process when water vapor turns into a liquid. This can be seen on a small or large scale.

3. A Flower

This may include blooms from individual flowering plants, trees, bushes, or even weeds in your yard. Try your best to identify what kind of flower it is in your brief description.

4. Veins

In humans, veins are blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart, but you must locate veins in a plant. They provide support for the leaf and transport water, minerals, and food energy to the rest of the plant.

 5. A Mammal

Mammals are warm-blooded, vertebrate animals. They grow hair at some point in their lives, and the female mammals produce milk to feed their offspring.

 6. A Habitat for an Animal or Insect

A habitat is a home. It provides safety for the species. Find a home for an animal or insect such as a bird’s nest or a spider’s web.

 7. A Seed

You can find a seed in some of the foods you eat, or you can find one out in nature. You may find a seed from a fruit, vegetable, flower, tree, etc. You may include one such as an acorn or pine cone which harbors its seeds inside.

 8. An Adaptation

An adaptation is a characteristic that allows an organism to survive in its environment. Although there are many different adaptations, you must locate a structural adaptation. Examples of a structural adaptation:  teeth, claws, fur, beak, scales, feathers, etc. You need to explain the purpose of the adaptation in your description.

 9. A Simple Machine

The simple machines include the wedge, lever, screw, pulley, inclined plane, and the wheel and axle. Remember, often several simple machines are combined together to make a new tool known as a compound machine. You just have to locate one simple machine and explain which one it is in your description.

10. A Mineral

Minerals are substances that occur naturally in the Earth. They can be made of a single element or from a combination of elements known as a compound. Many have a crystalline structure, while others are metallic or powdery. You may find the solid form of a mineral, OR you may find something made from a mineral and provide an explanation of your selection.

HW for Wednesday, May 13

Mrs. Burrus is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Time: Friday, May 15th @ 11:30 AM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 718 5499 4346
Password: 8ugjJB

  • Math:
    • Lesson 116:
      • Practice set a-h (e-h needs to be completed on graph paper) and problems 18, 19, 21, 25, & 26 corrections
    • Lesson 117: This lesson requires protractors and compasses. I am not sure if you have these items at home with you, so I would like for you to just read through the lesson and take a look at the examples. The problems for HW do not relate to the lesson. We will revisit this concept in the fall. If you would like to go ahead and challenge yourself, and you have these tools at home, you can go ahead and do the practice set. 🙂
      • Problems 4, 8, 10, 11, 15, 17, 18, 19, 29, and 30 due by 3:30 on Wednesday.
  • Shurley 7: Chapter 25, Practice 74, Thursday
  • Vocabulary:
    • Unit 14 pages 181-183, Thursday
    • Take a pic of your completed Shurley and math each day and text it to me by 4:00. I will send the answers, so you can check your work.  Put it back into your folder. Just do what you can do. I am always available for questions. Take care and good job staying with the program. 
  • LA:
    • Read Chapters 46-48 by the end of the day on Friday, May 15th. Please complete all chapter questions in complete sentences on a sheet of paper. Once the two questions are complete please send me a picture of your work.
      • Chapter 46
        • 1. “I don’t want to tell him that I’m not his angel. I’m not anyone’s angel” (284). Do you think Willow has changed lives? Why or why not?
      • Chapter 48
        • 1. What happened as a result of Willow’s proposal? How do you think this will change things?
  • History from Mr. Anders: Due Friday, May 15th  by 8pm

Chapter 14 Leads into the American Civil War.  This pivotal Chapter has lots happening to America in just 10 short years.  The country will never be the same again.   


    • Read Chapter 14
    • Watch videos for understanding of what you read
    • Pick one of the following: Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Compromise of 1850, The Kansas/Nebraska Act, The Dred Scott Decision, the Lincoln/Douglas Debates, John Brown’s Raid, The Election of 1860, The Secession of the Southern States, or Fort Sumter.
    • Using your Office 365 account write 2 paragraphs.
      • 1. A detailed description of the event you chose.  
      • 2. How did that event lead to the Civil War.
  • Spanish: Due Friday, May 22nd
  • ¡Hola clase! For the last two weeks of Spanish, I am going to challenge you to sign up for a Duolingo account and earn at least 30 XP per week.  Here’s how it works:
    • First you will need to create a profile if you don’t already have one at
    • Once logged in, on a COMPUTER use this link to JOIN my class “Trinity Spanish.
    • If you are on a TABLET or PHONE and already have the Duolingo app, you will need to navigate to: profile>hit the settings button in top right corner>progress sharingType in the classroom code WUBEMY  and click on “Save changes”
    • Once you are in my class, I will see your progress and XP.  Every time you complete a lesson, you will earn XP.
    • Your challenge this week is to earn 30 XP completing any of the lessons or tests.  It is easy and fun and challenges you to use the language in a different way!
    • ¡Buena suerte!  I hope you enjoy it!

Faith Formation: Due Wednesday, May 13th




Science Phenomena Scavenger Hunt

Due Date: Thursday, May 21st




  1. You are going on an adventure…a science scavenger hunt! Below, you will find a list of different scientific phenomena that you need to find. You need to find these items in real life!  Look around your house, check out your yard, etc. This is NOT a search on the internet!
  2. You need to make a PowerPoint to document your scientific journey.
    •  You need to make an introductory slide and then a slide for each item you find.
    • Copy/paste the item descriptions onto your slides in numerical order. Example: #1 will also be slide #1. #2 will be slide #2.

3. On each slide, you need to include all three of the following:

    • The given description from this assignment.
    • A brief written description about what you found explaining exactly what it is and where you found it.
    • A picture of what you found. You may do this one of two ways.
      • If possible for you, the BEST way to document your journey is to take an actual picture of the item yourself!! If you have a phone you can take a picture and upload it. I can’t wait to see these pictures!
      • Given the fact that not everyone has that capability, a picture may also be attached by using a generic photo from the internet (those without a phone).

4. You have a week and a half to complete this quest.

        • Your due date is Thursday, May 21st.

Here we go! Find the following scientific phenomena and document it as stated above:

 1. A Decomposer

Decomposers help break down dead plants and animals. They can often be found by looking under a large rock or something that has been sitting in your yard for a good while. It could be a worm, beetle, mushroom, snail, mold, etc.

2. Evidence of Condensation

Condensation can be found outside or inside your home. Remember the definition of condensation: the process when water vapor turns into a liquid. This can be seen on a small or large scale.

3. A Flower

This may include blooms from individual flowering plants, trees, bushes, or even weeds in your yard. Try your best to identify what kind of flower it is in your brief description.

4. Veins

In humans, veins are blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart, but you must locate veins in a plant. They provide support for the leaf and transport water, minerals, and food energy to the rest of the plant.

 5. A Mammal

Mammals are warm-blooded, vertebrate animals. They grow hair at some point in their lives, and the female mammals produce milk to feed their offspring.

 6. A Habitat for an Animal or Insect

A habitat is a home. It provides safety for the species. Find a home for an animal or insect such as a bird’s nest or a spider’s web.

 7. A Seed

You can find a seed in some of the foods you eat, or you can find one out in nature. You may find a seed from a fruit, vegetable, flower, tree, etc. You may include one such as an acorn or pine cone which harbors its seeds inside.

 8. An Adaptation

An adaptation is a characteristic that allows an organism to survive in its environment. Although there are many different adaptations, you must locate a structural adaptation. Examples of a structural adaptation:  teeth, claws, fur, beak, scales, feathers, etc. You need to explain the purpose of the adaptation in your description.

 9. A Simple Machine

The simple machines include the wedge, lever, screw, pulley, inclined plane, and the wheel and axle. Remember, often several simple machines are combined together to make a new tool known as a compound machine. You just have to locate one simple machine and explain which one it is in your description.

10. A Mineral

Minerals are substances that occur naturally in the Earth. They can be made of a single element or from a combination of elements known as a compound. Many have a crystalline structure, while others are metallic or powdery. You may find the solid form of a mineral, OR you may find something made from a mineral and provide an explanation of your selection.


HW for Tuesday, May 12

Mrs. Burrus is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Time: Friday, May 15th @ 11:30 AM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 718 5499 4346
Password: 8ugjJB

  • Math:
    • Lesson 116:
  • Shurley 7: Chapter 24 test, Tuesday
    • Use the book if you have a question. Let me (Mrs. Buss) know if you have any issues.
  • Vocabulary:
    • Unit 14 pages 174-180, Tuesday
    • Take a pic of your completed Shurley and math each day and text it to me by 4:00. I will send the answers, so you can check your work.  Put it back into your folder. Just do what you can do. I am always available for questions. Take care and good job staying with the program. 
  • LA:
    • Read Chapters 46-48 by the end of the day on Friday, May 15th. Please complete all chapter questions in complete sentences on a sheet of paper. Once the two questions are complete please send me a picture of your work.
      • Chapter 46
        • 1. “I don’t want to tell him that I’m not his angel. I’m not anyone’s angel” (284). Do you think Willow has changed lives? Why or why not?
      • Chapter 48
        • 1. What happened as a result of Willow’s proposal? How do you think this will change things?
  • History from Mr. Anders: Due Friday, May 15th  by 8pm

Chapter 14 Leads into the American Civil War.  This pivotal Chapter has lots happening to America in just 10 short years.  The country will never be the same again.   


    • Read Chapter 14
    • Watch videos for understanding of what you read
    • Pick one of the following: Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Compromise of 1850, The Kansas/Nebraska Act, The Dred Scott Decision, the Lincoln/Douglas Debates, John Brown’s Raid, The Election of 1860, The Secession of the Southern States, or Fort Sumter.
    • Using your Office 365 account write 2 paragraphs.
      • 1. A detailed description of the event you chose.  
      • 2. How did that event lead to the Civil War.
  • Spanish: Due Friday, May 22nd
  • ¡Hola clase! For the last two weeks of Spanish, I am going to challenge you to sign up for a Duolingo account and earn at least 30 XP per week.  Here’s how it works:
    • First you will need to create a profile if you don’t already have one at
    • Once logged in, on a COMPUTER use this link to JOIN my class “Trinity Spanish.
    • If you are on a TABLET or PHONE and already have the Duolingo app, you will need to navigate to: profile>hit the settings button in top right corner>progress sharingType in the classroom code WUBEMY  and click on “Save changes”
    • Once you are in my class, I will see your progress and XP.  Every time you complete a lesson, you will earn XP.
    • Your challenge this week is to earn 30 XP completing any of the lessons or tests.  It is easy and fun and challenges you to use the language in a different way!
    • ¡Buena suerte!  I hope you enjoy it!

Faith Formation: Due Wednesday, May 13th




Science Phenomena Scavenger Hunt

Due Date: Thursday, May 21st




  1. You are going on an adventure…a science scavenger hunt! Below, you will find a list of different scientific phenomena that you need to find. You need to find these items in real life!  Look around your house, check out your yard, etc. This is NOT a search on the internet!
  2. You need to make a PowerPoint to document your scientific journey.
    •  You need to make an introductory slide and then a slide for each item you find.
    • Copy/paste the item descriptions onto your slides in numerical order. Example: #1 will also be slide #1. #2 will be slide #2.

3. On each slide, you need to include all three of the following:

    • The given description from this assignment.
    • A brief written description about what you found explaining exactly what it is and where you found it.
    • A picture of what you found. You may do this one of two ways.
      • If possible for you, the BEST way to document your journey is to take an actual picture of the item yourself!! If you have a phone you can take a picture and upload it. I can’t wait to see these pictures!
      • Given the fact that not everyone has that capability, a picture may also be attached by using a generic photo from the internet (those without a phone).

4. You have a week and a half to complete this quest.

        • Your due date is Thursday, May 21st.

Here we go! Find the following scientific phenomena and document it as stated above:

 1. A Decomposer

Decomposers help break down dead plants and animals. They can often be found by looking under a large rock or something that has been sitting in your yard for a good while. It could be a worm, beetle, mushroom, snail, mold, etc.

2. Evidence of Condensation

Condensation can be found outside or inside your home. Remember the definition of condensation: the process when water vapor turns into a liquid. This can be seen on a small or large scale.

3. A Flower

This may include blooms from individual flowering plants, trees, bushes, or even weeds in your yard. Try your best to identify what kind of flower it is in your brief description.

4. Veins

In humans, veins are blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart, but you must locate veins in a plant. They provide support for the leaf and transport water, minerals, and food energy to the rest of the plant.

 5. A Mammal

Mammals are warm-blooded, vertebrate animals. They grow hair at some point in their lives, and the female mammals produce milk to feed their offspring.

 6. A Habitat for an Animal or Insect

A habitat is a home. It provides safety for the species. Find a home for an animal or insect such as a bird’s nest or a spider’s web.

 7. A Seed

You can find a seed in some of the foods you eat, or you can find one out in nature. You may find a seed from a fruit, vegetable, flower, tree, etc. You may include one such as an acorn or pine cone which harbors its seeds inside.

 8. An Adaptation

An adaptation is a characteristic that allows an organism to survive in its environment. Although there are many different adaptations, you must locate a structural adaptation. Examples of a structural adaptation:  teeth, claws, fur, beak, scales, feathers, etc. You need to explain the purpose of the adaptation in your description.

 9. A Simple Machine

The simple machines include the wedge, lever, screw, pulley, inclined plane, and the wheel and axle. Remember, often several simple machines are combined together to make a new tool known as a compound machine. You just have to locate one simple machine and explain which one it is in your description.

10. A Mineral

Minerals are substances that occur naturally in the Earth. They can be made of a single element or from a combination of elements known as a compound. Many have a crystalline structure, while others are metallic or powdery. You may find the solid form of a mineral, OR you may find something made from a mineral and provide an explanation of your selection.


HW for Friday, May 8th

Mrs. Burrus is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting on Friday. During this meeting you will be sharing your STEM Challenge with the class. Can’t wait to see all of them…and of course you.

Topic: 7th Grade Hangout #6
Time: May 8, 2020 01:00 PM 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 793 1715 1139
Password: 3CRuns

  • Math: We are quite a head of the game when it comes to math. We only have 5 lessons left! I am so proud of all of you. With that said…enjoy the rest of your week off when it comes to math assignments. PLEASE use this time to check in with ALL your teachers to make sure you have turned everything in.
  • Shurley 7:
    • Checkup 73, Friday; prepare study sheet for Chapter 24 test on Tuesday
  • Vocabulary:
    • The Unit 13 test is Thursday between 8-8. Darlin’s, please take the test online between 8 and 8. It will disappear after that. No vocab Friday.
    • Take a pic of your completed Shurley and math each day and text it to me by 4:00. I will send the answers, so you can check your work.  Put it back into your folder. Just do what you can do. I am always available for questions. Take care and good job staying with the program. 
  • LA: ***For the weekend please read chapters 40-45 due by Tuesday, May 12th.*** There will be no pencil/paper questions for these chapters. We will be doing a quizziz on Zoom next week so please make sure you’re all caught up. 
    • Read Chapters 35-40 by the end of the day on Friday, May 8th. Please complete all chapter questions in complete sentences on a sheet of paper. Once ALL questions are complete please send me a picture of your work.
    • Chapter: 35: 
      • 1.Dell added a new category to his system. What was the new category and why was it created?
    • Chapter 37:
      • 1.What is Pattie’s new plan for Dell? Do you think the plan will work? Why or Why not?
    • Chapter 40:
      • 1.“But until this moment I hadn’t realized that he’s a really caring person” (241). Why do you think it has taken this long for Willow to notice this?
  • Science: Please check your school email for the assignment titled, “STEM Challenge.” I also sent this to your parents’ emails that are on file with the school. Here are the main directions of the assignment…
      • Believe it or not, many, many years ago, kids had to use their imaginations if they wanted to play. They didn’t have games, toys, or video games at their fingertips. They didn’t have team sports to occupy their time like today. If they wanted to play, they had to come up with their own ideas and make their own toys. They couldn’t just run to the store every time that they wanted something to do. Girls were designing and making things like homemade dolls and puppets, and boys engineered and built things like tops, checkers, and forts. They were doing STEM even back in those days.
      • Right now, you are going through a unique time in life where we are supposed to be social distancing. Our normal lives have been put on hold. Over the next two weeks, I want you to use your imagination much like the kids back in the old days did, but with modern ideas and materials.
      • This STEM challenge is for you to design and create a toy, game, or activity of your own.
Here are the rules:
  • It must be made from recycled or repurposed materials that you already have at home. Do NOT go buy new materials.
  • It must have a MINIMUM of 7 steps in the process.
  • You CANNOT just alter something that is premade. This must be completely made by you.
  • It can be made to play with by one person or multiple people.
  • Send in a picture of YOU and your creation by Friday, May 8th.
  • A video of how it works would also be a plus (if it applies).
  • You will find some pictures of ideas in your email. You may use one of them OR you can come up with one of your own. Be creative and involve your family if you’d like. 😀


Chapter 14 Leads into the American Civil War.  This pivotal Chapter has lots happening to America in just 10 short years.  The country will never be the same again.   


    • Read Chapter 14
    • Watch videos for understanding of what you read
    • Pick one of the following: Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Compromise of 1850, The Kansas/Nebraska Act, The Dred Scott Decision, the Lincoln/Douglas Debates, John Brown’s Raid, The Election of 1860, The Secession of the Southern States, or Fort Sumter.
    • Using your Office 365 account write 2 paragraphs.
      • 1. A detailed description of the event you chose.  
      • 2. How did that event lead to the Civil War.
  • Spanish: Due Friday, May 8th
    • ¡Hola clase! ¡Hoy es el cinco de mayo!  Today is Cinco de Mayo! Are you planning on eating some tacos and guacamole?  Do you remember what Cinco de mayo celebrates?  Here is a short video to help you remember.
    • Email or text me (586) 709-9513 your answers to these questions.
      1. What other holiday does Cinco de mayo often get confused with?
      2. What does Cinco de mayo actually celebrate?
      3. Cinco de mayo is actually a bigger celebration in the U.S.. Why?

Faith Formation: Due Wednesday, May 13th